Schedule Posting Date: July 23

     Opening Day Monday, July 28th, 9:00 AM at Santee Sportsplex USA 
9951 Riverwalk Dr, Santee, CA 92071
        Team "check-in", managers meeting, skills contest.
       Games will begin on July 29th Finals are on Saturday, August 2th.

       Teams wishing to participate in the USSSA World Series Night at Petco Park, need to purchase a game ticket which will be available at a group discounted rate. Family and friends may also purchase a ticket for the game. The link to purchase tickets will be posted sometime in May or June.
USSSA Petco Park Night, July 28th - NY Mets VS  San Diego Padres 

 Check-In - Registration & Managers Meeting  - Pitching Rules, which are misunderstood each year will be covered at the Managers Meeting 


 What you need to bring to the "Check-In" booth.  Managers meeting will take place right after the team parade

  1. Printed Roster off the USSSA website (If you are unable to print a roster,  please contact us. No "Hand Written Rosters" allowed.
  2. Birth Certificates (Copies)
  3. Proof of team insurance, your insurance doc. can be uploaded to your team's page on the USSSA website 
  4. Players wear caps and Jersey, a team banner is optional. 
  5. There will be game booths and vendor booths present
  6. Food and drinks will be available for purchase

       Opening Day Ceremonies & Activities - Location: Sportsplex USA, Santee CA

      Team introductions and Parade - The complex gate will open at 9 am. At approximately  10:00 am teams gather on the southeast  field

(CULLIGAN FIELD )  for a parade of teams. This is the best time to Pin trade!

      Team Banners are recommended. (banner sizes are typically 3 x 6) 
      Once all the teams have marched in.  A very short ceremony will take place. 


       There will be baseball equipment vendors and fun activities for your players and their siblings to participate in. 

      Skills Competition Information  
The Skills Contest will begin 45 Minutes after the Opening  Day Ceremonies 

 All participants must be pre-registered and may only participate in one event.

Home Run Derby

Max (2) Players

Provide your own pitcherRules Bat used must be age-appropriate The team coach pitches 8 pitches (1) round

Base Running

Max (3) Players

Fastest around the bases.

One second deduction for a missed base

Around the Horn

(5) Players
A catcher will start with the first throw to the third base- touch bag.

Third base throw to Second base- touch bag. Second Base throws to First Base - touch bag,

First Base throws to Home - Cather touches home plate with the ball & glove, Catcher throws to Shortstop covering second base - touch bag.

Shortstop throws Home, and Catcher - touches the plate with the ball & glove.

Accuracy Throw

Max (3) Players from each team.

5 balls are thrown at a target board

Target Distance
40ft (8U -9U) 50ft (10U-12U 60ft (13U-14U)

5 throws best score wins

 Pin Trading

 Pin Trading

Itinerary & Skills Contest Registration 

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