2025 Skills Competition Registration 
The deadline to enter is July 15th
Because of limited time and space, there will be a cut-off point

Base Running  

Max (3) Players

Fastest around the bases.

One second deduction for a missed base

Around the Horn (Infield Competiton)

(5) Players
A catcher will start with the first throw to the third base- touch bag.

Third base throw to Second base- touch bag. Second Base throws to First Base - touch bag,

First Base throws to Home - Cather touches home plate with the ball & glove, Catcher throws to Shortstop covering second base - touch bag.

Shortstop throws Home, and Catcher - touches the plate with the ball & glove.

Home Run Derby

Max (2) Players

Provide your own pitcherRules Bat used must be age-appropriate The team coach pitches 8 pitches (1) round

Accuracy Throw

Max (3) Players from each team.

5 balls are thrown at a target.

Target Distance
40ft (8U -9U) 50ft (10U-12U 60ft (13U-14U)

5 throws best score wins

Team  Registration $95
It is recommended that players participate in one event.
 All events take place at the same time.
We do not need the names of each player until the team checks in at the site
Individual Registration $15
Only for Individuals who do not have a full tream present. Individual players can register for one event. Note: If your team is registered,  you can nor register as an indivdual.
Home Run Derby - Only (2) players  may register
Baserunning - Only  (3) players  may register
Throwing - Only (3) players may register