Tournament Entry Procedures


1. Determine Age Division

Prior to entering a tournament, you will need to determine what age division and skill level your team will be playing under. If a tourament is big enough, age divisions will be split to accommodate Major, AAA, and AA teams.

Divisions are based upon players' ages as of the 2019 League Age date (April 30th, 2019). To determine a player’s League Age, please use USSSA’s age calculator. Players may play up in age but may not play down. Players may not play more than two years up in age.

The 2018-2019 season runs from Aug. 1, 2018, to September 4, 2019. The minimum age to play in a kid-pitch program is a League Age 7. Players younger than the League Age must have the approval to play kid-pitch. (The 2018-19 San Diego season begins after the San Diego Labor Day Classic)

2. Register a Team
The team manager must register a team through USSSA and post the team’s roster online. Please note, the names and birthdays of players must match what is listed on their birth certificates, passports, etc. For example, if a player’s name is listed on his birth certificate as John Smith but he goes by Johnny, list him on your roster as John Smith.
Once you have registered with USSSA, you will be provided a team page where you can upload team photos, player stats, and pay for tournaments online. REGISTER TEAM

3. Purchase Team Insurance
All teams are required to obtain team insurance and present proof of insurance at all tournaments. You can obtain information on USSSA insurance policy requirements and purchasing information here.

4. Enter a Tournament
Prior to signing up for a tournament, determine which tournament you wish to enter and who is running it. Always check with the tournament director listed on the schedule page to be sure there is room in the tournament before paying online. After reviewing the Tournament Schedule, fill out and submit a Tournament Application online. By submitting this application you are committing to play and agreeing to pay the tournament entry fee. If an entry is taken by email and you are added to the entry list, you are also agreeing to play and pay the entry fee.
Once you have filled out a tournament application and paid your entry fee, you will receive a confirmation email. Your team will be added to the list of participants for that weekend’s tournament within 24 hours of your submitting your entry form online. Every tournament will have a list of teams currently signed up to play. This list is updated and will be posted online approximately ten days prior to the tournament weekend. Please make sure your team name is on the list 24 hours after submitting a tournament application.

5. Pay the Entry Fee
Once you have submitted your application, you may either pay for the tournament online or by mailing in a check. Please note that USSSA National charges an additional fee of $20 to pay online. San Diego USSSA  does not benefit in any way from this additional fee. If you pay online and a refund is necessary for any reason, the refund will be made as a credit to your charge card. To submit payment via check, mail a copy of the tournament application to: 


Joe Butler / USSSA
2220 Otay Lakes Rd #502
Chula Vista CA 91915a

CA 9191

6. Dropping from a Tournament
The deadline to drop from a tournament varies depending on the day the tournament starts. For a tournament beginning on a Saturday, the deadline to drop out is the Monday prior at 12:00 noon. For a tournament beginning on a Friday, the deadline to drop out is the Sunday prior at 12:00 noon. In the event that a team drops out of a tournament after the deadline, that team will be responsible for paying the entry fee unless another team is able to fill their spot.

7. Dropping from the San Diego World Series 
We must be notified in writing via an email 30 days prior to the event, failure to do so will forfeit your right to any type of refund.

MAY 24 - 26

Ages 8U 9U 



Ages 10U -14U 



  8U       $650 /2 DAY

  9U       $750 /2 DAY

10U       $825 /3DAY

11U       $825 /3 DAY

12U       $850 /3 DAY

13U       $895 /3 DAY

14U       $895 /3 DAY

Venmo @joebutlerusssa

Zelle (619) 823-1553

10U       $495 /1 DAY

11U       $495 /1 DAY

12U       $495 /1 DAY

Venmo @joebutlerusssa

Zelle (619) 823-1553

One Day Tournament


One Day Tournament


12U       $350 /1 DAY

13U       $350 /1 DAY

14U       $350 /1 DAY

Venmo @joebutlerusssa

Zelle (619) 823-1553