10U (2 Playoff Brackets)

1. San Diego Hawks - Prime

2. Winn Baseball Navy

3. Hustle Vista Gold 

4. SD Stars Gold

5. East County Rattlers

6. MVP Hustle - Clinger

7. Green Hills Rhinos - Blue


12U AA  (1 Spot Available) 

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy - BC

2. GBG San Diego 

3. Diamond Kings

4. Athletics Baseball Club

5. 5 Tool - BC Canada

6. SD Elevate

7. MVP Rawlings Grey

8.  City of Champions Baseball

11U AA  (1 Spot Available)

1. Cruces Dodgers 

2. Bullpen Baseball Academy- BC

3. East County Rattlers Black 

4. Athletics Baseball Club

5. 5 Tool - BC Canada

6. Winn Baseball Red

7 Green Hills Rhinos - Green 

8. Hooligans

9. GBG San Diego 

11U OPEN (2 Playoff Brackets)

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy -BC

2. Winn Baseball 

3. SD Stars Riley 

4. JGB Enriquez

5. East County Rattlers - Cardinal 

6. VBA Taipans 

7. Green Hills Rhinos - Blue 

8. Grind Baseball

12U OPEN (2 Playoff Brackets) 

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy - BC

2. Heroes Baseball Club

3. San Diego Tacos

4. SD Stars Perez 

5. So Cal Tides 

6. San Diego Hawks - Prime

7.  MVP Rawlings Black

8. East County Rattlers 

9. SD Battle Baseball

10. Free Agents Powered by Trosky

11. OC Crush 

12. Winn Baseball Navy 

13U OPEN (2 Playoff Brackets)

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy - BC

2. Select Baseball Club

3. MVP Hustle - Evans

4. 5 Star West 

5. Klever Baseball Black 

6. MVP Hustle - Starkey

7. San Diego Aces

8. MVP Rawlings Black

9. San Diego Hawks - Prime

10. San Diego Stars Blue 

14U OPEN (2 Playoff Brackets) 

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy BC

2.  San Diego Storm

3. Grind Baseball 2029A

4. Crush Baseball 

5. 5 Tool - BC Canada

6. Rip Baseball

7. Yard Goats 

8. SD Hustle Gold

9. Force Baseball 

10  Grind Baseball 2029 Red

11. West Coast A's 

12. Grind Baseball 2029 Rotal 

 16U OPEN ( 1 Playoff Bracket) 

1. GBG San Diego 

2. Encinitas Grinders #1

3. Encinutas Grinderds #2

4.  Force/Trosky Baseball Club 

5. Force/Trosky Baseball Club Blue 

6.  VR 19

Our goal is to stay with an even number of teams in each division. 8, 10 or 12 

Once we hit that even number of choice. no more teams will be added.

A 2025 USSSA Team Registration is required to enter this event.

13U AA ( 2 Playoff Brackets) 

1. Bullpen Baseball Academy - BC

2. Athletics Baseball Club 

3. Crush Baseball

4. Green Hills Rhinos 

5 Hustle Vista Gold

6. Machi Baseball - Sacramento 

7. MVP Rawlings Grey

8. West Coast A's 

9. VBA Taipans

10. Sin City Thunder

11. Strike 3

14U AA (1 Playoff Bracket)

1. San Diego Power

2. SD SunWolves

3. SD Elevate Select

4. SoCal Tides

5. Winn Baseball Navy 

6. City of Champions Baseball

10U AA (2 Playoff Brackets )

1. East County Rattlers Gold

2. Grind Baseball

3. San Diego Lions 

4. Athletics Baseball Club 

5. East County Prime

6. Crush Baseball 

7. SoCal Tides

8. City of Champions Baseball

9U (3 Playoff Brackets) 

1. Athletics Baseball Club

2. Green Hills Rhinos 

3. San Diego Stars Red

4. San Diego Hawks - Gold

5. East County Rattlers 

6. SD Elevate 

7. Salty Stars 

8. Crush Baseball

9. Hensley Baseball

10. MVP Hustle - Abruzo

11. 5 Star Mafia

12. San Diego Stars Blue

13. San Diego Hawks - Prime

14. Excel Baseball

8U (2 Playoff Bracket)

1. San Diego Stars Blue

2. Tec Wreck

3. East County Rattlers

4. Green Hills Rhinos 

5. Crush Baseball

6.  JH Baseball 

7. Winn Baseball Navy

8. Lakeside Lightning